Want To Study With Three Shires Reflexology? Here’s How To Apply… 

Please complete this form to apply to study with us. Submission of this form indicates your agreement to our payment terms and T’s & C’s (which appear in full below).



    Practitioner Course Terms & Conditions
    1. Acceptance onto the course is at the discretion of the school principal, and subject to interview
    2. Additional to the fees for the course, students are required to purchase textbooks, and equipment/clothing as discussed at interview & as per the school resource document.
    3. Home study & case study assignments are additional to class dates
    4. Students are expected to complete all assignments by the due date
    5. Marking for assignments not completed within 6 Weeks following final class date will be charged at £5 per document marked
    6. At the discretion of the principal, students may be asked to leave the course for the following reasons:
    a) Persistent poor time keeping
    b) Persistent failure to complete assignments by the due date
    c) Failure to complete the required number of teaching sessions
    d) Failure to perform in a manner consistent with that of a professional reflexologist
    e) Failure to comply with the agreed terms of payment.
    7. Students are expected to attend all course session dates. Should this prove impossible due to unforeseen circumstances, dates will be offered to the student to make up for time lost, for which a charge of £75 will be levied
    8. Students will be recommended to Professional Reflexology for qualification at the discretion of the principal
    9. Whilst Three Shires School of Reflexology will make every effort to adhere to published course dates, these may be subject to change.
    10. Following acceptance onto the course no refunds will be made on any fees and deposits paid.
    11. In the event of a student leaving the course at any time after registration day and prior to course completion they will be liable for the unpaid fees for the duration of the course
    12. Deferment:
    Should the student make a formal application to defer to a future Three Shires course, any deferment will only be granted with the agreement of the school principal and the tutor/s concerned. Their decision will be final, and subject to the following conditions:
    a) In the event of a student deferring their studies to a future date, all class sessions in the new season must be attended.
    b) Fees will be charged on a Pro Rata basis. Notwithstanding, in the event of deferment, a charge will be made of £50 for each session previously attended.
    c) Should fees for the course deferred to be higher than the course deferred from, the additional fees will become payable on the first day of the new course.
    All fees and charges referenced above must be paid prior to commencement of the course being deferred to.
    13. Insurance for student’s property is always the responsibility of the student
    14. It is a requirement of the Three Shires that all students become Student Members of Professional Reflexology.
    15. Students must agree to be governed by the Codes of Practice and Ethics as published by the Professional Reflexology Association (
    16. In light of our experience during the pandemic the school reserves the right in certain circumstances to conduct classes via electronic media e.g. Zoom, Teams, Skype etc. This is in accordance with the Core Curriculum for Reflexology.



    Phone: +44 01858 575 410




    Three Shires Reflexology
    12 High Street, Welford
    NN6 6HT




    Course tuition fees are £2550
    Booking Fee £250 deducted from course fees, then:
    Option 1
    The full balance of £2300 payable on first course day
    Option 2
    £500 course deposit on first course day then: £150 per month over 12 months
    There are two additional costs payable on the first day, these are as follows:
    £160 course accreditation fee: includes Internal and External verification, Student Membership of Professional Reflexology Association (PR) and insurance for case studies for a period of up to 18 months or until qualification, whichever is the sooner.
    A "La Fuma" treatment chair-bed is imported by us and is essential equipment for your studies. Priced at £170 this will be at the course venue on the first day and represents a saving of £75 to £125 on retail prices.