25 Years In Reflexology “My First Client” By Wendy Finke Pt.2

Firstly, thank you for the kind feedback from the first post about my journey in Reflexology. It’s great to know you found it interesting.

Before I tell you about my very first client after qualifying all those years ago, I need to explain that I had only qualified the day before and had buried my darling grandfather too, so I really had to get my act together quickly!

I must also describe where my room was in a local gym. It was small and down steps to a dank cellar with brick walls which my husband Martyn had lined out and wallpapered. At the time we had very little money so this was the best I could do.

I had a desk, a lamp a swivel chair and my treatment chair which converted into a couch. This was the find of the year! Then we did not have specially designed La Fuma beds or anything like them so when I saw an advert in the local paper for a therapist’s couch I quickly went to see it. I was taken into a garage and saw what looked like a huge metal and black padded chair with a metal foot adjustment pedal to recline and lift the feet area to height.

Perfect! However the asking price was way out of my price range. Thank goodness the lady clearly was desperate to sell and when I said I only had £50 she agreed.

Can you believe – I’m still using the same chair 25 years on! Occasionally a nut comes loose and falls on the floor, but a quick tighten and we are off again. How many thousands of people have been treated I can’t calculate, but everyone comments how wonderfully comfy it is.

Small children can use the lower part as a slide and love that bit when they have finished.

I always say “ more men have slept with me than I can count!! “

The next part of this will be up on the blog next month, so please check back to find out more…